This past month, we had the joy of hosting Dr. Monica Sheffer and Julia Smith in our lab. Both of them work in Lauren Buckley’s lab at UW Seattle. As part of the NSF RoL grant, they were here to work on lipid extractions from the reciprocal transplant experiment done in Summer 2022. We enjoyed your short visit with us and hope to see you soon in the field!
Read MoreCaroline was gracious to host our yearly Holiday Party at her place this month. Alongside this, we got to say congratulations and good bye to one of the members of our lab, Andrew Saintsing. He finished up his PhD in understanding the energetic cost of terrestrial locomotion with the Full Lab. Congrats Andrew and Happy Holidays everyone!
Read MoreThe Williams lab travels to San Diego for the annual APS conference and gets reunited with part of the Sinclair dynasty!
Read MoreKatrine is a professor at the University of Oslo studying aquatic biology and ecotoxicology. She kicked off her sabbatical year by joining the Williams Lab for our annual trip to Sedgewick to collect crickets. After spending two months with our lab and giving advice to everyone, she left for Norway in mid-October. We hope to have you back soon!
Read MoreThe Williams Lab went out to Sedgwick for a week in the beginning of August. Collaborators from University of Nebraska - Lincoln, University of Louisville, and University of Oslo came to join us while we hunted for crickets in the Santa Ynez mountains. Over 200 crickets were caught and brought back to UC Berkeley to help replenish our cricket colony!
Read MoreWelcome to our new lab manager and grasshopper researcher, Simran Bawa! Simran just finished her Bachelors at UC Santa Barbara.
Read MoreCongratulations to Williams lab PhD candidates, Ana Lyons and Andre Szejner Sigal, who put on their regalia and walked the stage this past Saturday in @berkeleyIB’s commencement ceremony.
Read MoreWant to learn more about the combined impacts of hypoxia and temperature on invasive New Zealand mudsnails in California streams? Just out in PBZ, from Dr. Emily King's dissertation: @King_EmilyE @berkeleyIB
Read MoreCongratulations to alumni Dr. Kevin Roberts, who has received an NSF PRFB to work with Philipp Lehman in Germany! Kevin will be studying how the diapausing life stage impacts an insect's vulnerability to climate-induced winter energy drain. @berkeleyIB
Read MoreNew paper just accepted by Journal of Insect Physiology by PhD candidate Andre Szejner Sigal, showing that lady beetles in aggregations have lower metabolic rates and activity levels than solitary conspecifics. Congrats Andre! @berkeleyIB
Read MoreUndergraduate researcher, Sadia Khan, wins the ABRCMS 2021 Presentation Award for her work researching female mating receptivity in Gryllus field crickets.
Read MoreNew paper led by Dr. Kevin Roberts provides critical insight into the impacts of climate change on the overwintering beetle, Chrysomela aeneicollis.
Read MoreThis past Monday, former PhD student in the Williams Lab gave her finishing talk!
Read MoreWelcome Abby Keller to the Williams Lab!
Read MoreWe have launched the new Williams lab website!
Read MoreFormer graduate student, Dr. Lisa Treidel, receives two competitive post-doctoral fellowships.
Read MoreLab member, Dr. Emily King, completes her dissertation on invasive New Zealand mud snails.
Read MoreWe are excited to welcome Lourenço Martins to the Williams lab as a new PhD student! Lourenço will start in Fall 2021.
Read MoreWe are excited to have recruited Monica Sheffers as a postdoc to work on the grasshopper RoL project, starting in Feb 2022.
Read MoreCongratulations to talented undergraduate researcher DéJenaé See.
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